
furniture, people must see the furniture industry analysis


furniture, people must see the furniture industry analysis

first, the challenge of brand era
furniture dealer level, they are more willing to choose a "their understanding of the factory" or a well-known "brand" because homogeneity is very serious competition in the market, the brand's sense of security and trust become more important, "a move enemy" has been fully consumed rather than practical, but also depend on business can play a full set of "combined" in order to solve the problem: the brand influence, image packaging, advertising / marketing, product style product material, product cost, process quality, sales management, logistics, supply capacity and innovative r & d and original design capacity will be key, "long-term victory" in.
a new generation of buyers rely more on friends recommendation and word of mouth experience to select the furniture products, so the future of enterprise brand awareness promotion of communication, interaction will become increasingly important and ultimately the formation of customer loyalty. affect the brand's influence on business success is growing, so the distribution channels, terminal sales as well.

second, the furniture manufacturing industrialization

accustomed to enjoy the "demographic dividend" of older furniture entrepreneurs, labor-intensive industrialization furniture industry has a paranoid prejudices.

advanced countries in terms of management style and philosophy, labor productivity and production equipment under the influence of selected fewer people, faster, more standard, more technology, more low-carbon environment importing modern paint coating line, product integration wood processing lines equipment, imports of wood drying room thermostat, vacuum dust cleaning system clean room, sawdust recovery systems, wastewater treatment systems, the formation of modern management teams.

we believe that the future of chinese furniture manufacturing industry will form the initial processing (national) standards, processing market will also finer division of labor, professional factory will appear, furniture production chain through fuller division and reorganization to improve the production of furniture scale, professional, fine, thereby improving product quality and cost-effective. so these will be the strong backing of the furniture brand, promote the transformation of the development of the furniture industry.

third, the advent of industry consolidation upgrade

furniture chain in addition to furniture distribution companies beginning to take shape, material market, sales exhibition market, product development professional packaging market, oto electricity provider market, and outdoor furniture professional logistics market, the depth of the furniture industry will once again broken, furniture marketing professional outsourcing market , channel development of the professional market, blasting the promotion of professional market, furniture market professional installation beauty services, professional custom / proofing market, specializing in furniture sales service app platform, and so will appear.

small businesses will seek more market segments within to find their own place, medium and large enterprises will continue to integrate the leading existing market segments, mergers, acquisitions and carry out industrial restructuring and upgrading, to enable enterprises to large-scale expansion , occupy a larger share of the existing market segments, to secure their own leadership.

when the furniture business has consolidated the industrial advantage, capital advantage, manufacturing advantages, after brand, channel edge, there will be a number of outstanding companies have moved into the "capital market", while the second-tier status in the challenge to think so enterprise "challenge" will be difficult.

four, e era

the furniture industry in terms of mobile internet and internet compared to other industries regarded hindsight, with the advent of the internet age, as well as access to information and buying habits change after 80,90, furniture industry marketing channel is bound to change.

when furniture product standardization, homogenization of competition heated up when the internet will be an essential marketing, sales support and the parity system.

with the furniture industry different services app appears, our big data, furniture things, purchase, delivery, installation, sale, reputation, orders, and so integrated solution will be completed in one or several platforms, production - sales - experience will become more efficient, standards and have credibility. future of the furniture industry is no "internet tools" would like crafts people have lost just as bad hands.

fifth, the dealer changes to the service provider

product homogeneity, the rapid development of mobile internet, oto, product standards, standardized and transparent prices only, the ultimate purchaser pursuit of higher, better, more secure service.

in this trend, the dealer will have to bid farewell to the traditional single product post profits earned era, and by providing value-added services charge a service fee of furniture, the lower uniform price specifications (even with lower sales prices) to certain delivery scale manufacturers enjoy regional sales rebate, as well as part of the franchise brand differentiation coexist franchisees, dealers thus low profit era.

to provide a complete set of professional system to ensure reliable service to optimize service dealer (or agent) will be the main label furniture dealer groups.

sixth, the furniture industry capital operation

the majority of our furniture business simply relying on previous snowballing development, rely on their own accumulation, can not meet the huge demand for funds development.

furniture enterprises not only faced with the economic downturn, the impact of the macroeconomic impact of real estate regulation and policies, and facing industry consolidation, product competition, brand building, sales channels construction, materials, plant and equipment investment, etc., the basic problem, to solve these problems we need a lot of money. china's furniture industry is in a critical period leading brands in all market segments slightly with an early form of these brands truly want to grow as a brand of leadership, but also financial support of sprint.

furniture enterprises widespread ownership is highly concentrated (the family holding at least 70%, more than those holding 90%) the problem of limited revenue growth, and can not meet the financial needs, such companies want to become a good public company, there is a the bottleneck of funds.

want to have a comprehensive competitive furniture industry chain, to attract venture capital has become an important means of large furniture companies to achieve industrial upgrading, rapid expansion. therefore, the current listing of the furniture industry to enhance the company's brand image, expansion of scale and ultimately the best choice for corporate values.






