
executives strongly recommended to read it three times: what is the management concept


executives strongly recommended to read it three times: what is the management concept

- new hope liuhe shares co-chairman and ceo, tarzan management forum third speaker chen chunhua teacher

enterprise management concept determines how people perform administrative activities in the past 20 years, chinese business management course, no one has been concerned about the management concept, people talk about corporate philosophy, explore the corporate values, management philosophy research enterprise, but nobody clarify what is administration. how do manage? what management is? - this problem is the management concept of problem, it can be said, with a clear view of management, we will have a clear management practices, but also will have the right management standards. vice versa. so, the management concept of what kind of content it contains?

i summarized in three sentences: 1. management is responsible only for the performance; 2, a distribution management; 3, management is always business services.

first, speak with performance

it contains the content business performance effectiveness and efficiency in two ways. for an enterprise, we need to have good efficiency, but they need to achieve this result with the fastest time. thus, for management, no matter what you are using forms of management and management behavior, as long as it can produce the performance, we believe that effective management practices and management style. if you can not produce the performance, then it is a waste of resources management. the main goal of business is to achieve a good performance and management of all activities are carried out around this goal, so i think the first one is the concept of content management: management is responsible only for the performance. i believe many people often mention this sentence, but i do not know how many people can really understand, because some widespread phenomenon is visually shows that people do not understand this sentence.

phenomenon: people praised the merits, but also tolerate elbow grease, and even proud of elbow grease.

we often hear people saying: "although i have no credit, but there are elbow grease." "i have no surprise, but i also sweat blood to die." "i sweat when the company was not yet how about you!" and so on. people just focus on their own pay for the enterprise, but do not care whether it is generated to pay such performance, a lot of people measure his own pay, rather than the effect of pay. so in the enterprise often we see the results people are elbow grease to be sure, in the enterprise has a history of people get reused. but we are very clear that only credit will produce performance elbow grease does not produce the performance.

phenomena: people care about more than the attitude of care capacity.

an enterprise has a li, a liu. mike is a hard working, diligent employees, every day come early and stay late, often work overtime. liu is a time to work on time to work, and never work overtime. as a result, li to be praised, to be good employees, but liu has never been and will not be elected in recognition of outstanding employees. however, if you are willing to ponder, maybe there will be such a problem: mike's performance is precisely the lack of capacity reasons, and liu's performance is indicative of his ability can be qualified for this job, to complete the task, so the attitude is still concerned about the ability of care it is a very important issue. only capacity will produce performance, attitude will be translated into the ability to generate performance, this is the right idea. but in reality, the management, the existence of this phenomenon is very common, if you wish, you can look at enterprise assessment, how much is the assessment capability, and how much is the attitude of the assessment. i am sure that the assessment must be more than the attitude indicator index assessment capability, in addition, a lot of people like the attitude of good people management practices, like obedient people, who like to work overtime, people get from the experience attitude is more important than the ability of conclusion, this attitude good chance people get mediocre ability to reuse a strong general attitude than ability, but far more people.

three phenomena: germany and only choice in which people want to both ability and integrity, if not on the first german after.

character and competence have been fundamental for both talent evaluation, whenever i lecture and asked this question, almost all the students told me that they would choose ability and political integrity of the people. i am willing to agree with this choice, but i said in the previous article, the management just face the facts, to solve the problem, the fact that we face is that we managed subordinates, not certain ability and political integrity, or this person the character below our requirements, or the person's ability below our requirements, if the person is competent and honest, he should manage us, and not we manage him. in this context, i ask the students how to choose, the result is about 80% of the candidates character. but we must know that talent has generated performance, moral competence will need to be converted to produce performance. our character and competence for the issue of choice, the job need to be very clear. in both cases we are generally to germany first, in addition to the ability to be based. first, from the time both cases, external recruitment, the second is promoted staff time. but the reality i see is that many companies in the recruitment of personnel, few consider the person's character, is more concerned about education, work experience and personal abilities. in promote a person, but also less concerned about his character, is more concerned about past performance, management experience and experience. in addition to these two cases, i would be found during a routine examination, and in the daily management of moral considerations but people often ignore the talent. this approach is precisely the anti-out.

students began to refute me and asked me if a man strong, good talent, but a very bad character, it is not for business and social cause great harm to it? i agree, but we need to clarify a very important point: people will make mistakes, so we can not bet in character, management need to do is to give no opportunity to make mistakes. i insist on this point because the management in the face of people, not enough to evaluate the moral point of view, people can only use management in the face of the perspective of behavioral science and economics to evaluate, from an economic point of view people are selfish and voracious, from the perspective of human behavior are lazy. the selfish, voracious, lazy people, is to manage in the face of the man, he is not a moral person, we can not bet enough morality, see today so many party cadres to make mistakes, that this is a management error our management give them a chance to make mistakes, but yet there are so many people believe that moral education is not enough to lead to, i feel very sad.

second, equilateral distribution law

management is very simple, it simply needs to be done is to manage just like a distribution. management is the allocation of powers, duties and interests. but it needs to be stressed that the powers, duties and interests must be equally divided, become an equilateral triangle.

in the management mistakes are basically three things that did not put this into an equilateral triangle. many managers like to leave power, interest, responsibility points out, a good number of managers to leave power, the interests and responsibilities of points to go out with, there are managers believe the responsibility and authority and interests should stay in their own hands on, do not make assignments. these management views are very wrong. we are able to manage state-owned enterprises as an example, many people think that bad management of state-owned enterprises, the root cause is the issue of property rights, but i think it is a question of property rights can not be at the operational level and management level discussions are any managers under conditions of limited choice, so i stuck to discuss issue of property rights is not operating level, we did not manage a good fundamental issues of state-owned enterprises is: not very good distribution of these three things. the power of a very large state-owned enterprises, management of state-owned assets, billions of state-owned corporate responsibility is very large, state-owned assets of billions, tens of thousands of workers employed, but the managers of state-owned enterprises is in the benefit-sharing no chance. so there are so many state-owned enterprises dilemma is inevitable.

third, management is greater than management

management and operation of the two faces of enterprises, management is choosing the right thing to do, the management is doing the right things. in this sense, management is the first management is second place, that is, i used to manage important to emphasize a fundamental reason. management is always business services, you can use such a comparison shows that when a company in the business choice puerile time, we must choose the management cost management; the business choose a penny stock when, in management to do on quality and brand management; if the same choice as federal express in the operation "overnight service", will be carried out on the management process management; if the same as the dell with "direct custom" strategy, must be done on flexible management management. the example just to illustrate this two points: first, the management what to do, must be decided by management; second, management is not able to go beyond the operating level. we see chinese home appliance enterprises so easy loss, not the appliance business management can not, but these appliances enterprise management level is too high, exceeding the level of their business. most of our enterprises are still puerile level, but many of these companies actually began reengineering efforts, these companies are not losses strange! i began to worry that the same management training grounds for many companies, because i was often invited to the company's employees enterprise explain leadership or corporate strategy, i think this training will be counterproductive, because you give staff training than employees responsibilities of this kind of training i call "over training", when a company's management when the level exceeds the operating level, the business loss is not far away. of course, the current situation is generally very high level of corporate business owner, poor enterprise management level.






