
how to find and change the micro-management


how to find and change the micro-management
micro-management is a technology-driven workplace of the plague. here's how to find it and how to change its recommendations.
everyone thought micromanagement is a bad thing, but not everyone knows how to recognize and correct it.
in my experience, micro-management reflected in the following five preventable behavior:

1. measure too many things.
the benefits of technology is that you can more accurately measure your business. the disadvantage is that it allows the measurement technology too much things too easy. measuring things too much, but it is not clear what these data, this approach is typical of micro-management.
what to do: for each job, select a job or two to define indicators of success. ignore other things.

2. monitoring too tight.
monitoring and measurement sometimes confused, but the two are different. you measurement data; you monitor behavior. if you are always closely monitored employees, then it is in the micro-management.
what to do: make employees feel the need to offer to improve performance when monitoring and guidance.

3. reached much consensus.
collect everyone's views before the decision is a good idea, especially to collect views from people especially those which will be affected by this decision. but if you have to be discussed everything clear before making a decision, then you are making a micro-managing.
what to do: to decide to set a deadline. arrange a limited number of meetings, so that we discuss together. then make a decision before the deadline.

4. interferes too much.
helicopter-style manager and helicopter type as bad parents - they let those they are trying to help people full of frustration. the only way for people to grow is through mistakes, which means that managers should not jump out at any time to solve the problem.
what to do: when the staff required to provide guidance, but allow employees themselves to make mistakes. if they can not or do not learn from their mistakes, then they are not worth keeping employees.

5. set the focus too much.
if the contents of the task list manager is given more or less on the equally important, it would make employees feel confused. this will lead to micro-management, because the only way is to "make all the plates are turn up."
what to do: for each employee, every team, every team and every department to set an overriding priority. let them figure out how to achieve this goal or achieve it.






